This past Thursday night I went to a Myer-Briggs Personality Workshop put on by the University’s Career Planning office to see if it could help me understand myself and what I should do with my life better. I was pleasantly surprised to find out how accurate and insightful this personality test was for me. While of course personalities don’t come in 16 cut and dry types, there are according to Carl Jung and his followers about 4 basic personality poles (which multiplied by four gives sixteen, hence the number of personality types). Anyways, to the point… apparently I am a ‘INTP’ type. You can judge for yourself by going to the following links for description.
About Myer-Briggs SystemBrief explanation of my type INTPIn-Depth Accurate DescriptionClick here to see what your type is I was very much an ‘I’ (Introverted), an ‘N’ (iNtuitive), and a ‘P’ (Perceiving) and then I was slight more on the ‘T’ (Thinking) side. So for reference my polar opposite would be an ESFJ (Extroverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging).
My point in mentioning this is that as being an “Architect or Analytical” type, I am naturally constantly thinking about things, how they’re important, how they relate to each other, etc. Judging from the response I got on my post on music (link), I think that what made that post so “successful” is that I simply just wrote down my thoughts on an issue I had been thinking a lot about. Since now I realize, having taken this personality thingy, that that is my natural gift to be able to analyze ideas in that way others may be interested in what I think about various things (which is actually what I originally started the blog for). I have these ideas all the time, but I’m usually too lazy and undisciplined to ever write them… hence the infrequency of posts. =) So I decided to take a break from studying tonight and just write what’s been on my mind recently. So keep checking…