Saturday, December 10, 2005

Two Papers for You

Well folks... I'm almost done with the semester. I have two more papers to go and five finals and less than a week. Earlier I posted the two papers I have finished with. I know at least a couple of you are interested in reading over them and for everyone else, they should give you a taste of what kind of thinking I do academically.

I just got back from watching Narnia. I have to say, the movie was excellent. Lewis is a genius. I felt the power of the Truth coming through the story. The story is so unabashedly Christian it's wonderful. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the Gospel message in the story. When Aslan sacrifices his life for the sin of Edmund, it was almost as emotional for me as Mel Gibson's Passion of Christ was. The thing that really struck me though was how beautifully Lewis portrays the dignity of being a human. We are really sons of God. We are all kings and queens of this world. Absolutely incredible. Lucy, in particular, was amazing as an actor. Her childlikeness was such a joy to behold. Anyways, if any of you have not seen it yet, please do so, for your own sake. I can't wait to read these books to my own future children (God willing).


Blogger Matthew said...

Thanks Tommy, I think this is the first time I've posted at a more freaquent interval than you have.

Yeah, these papers are probably the longest I've ever written, but they've actually not been too hard, I kind of changed my writing method which has made writing a lot faster and easier. I'm working on the third one right now and then I'll only have one more to go, but I doubt I'll get it in before the end of the semester. Thank goodness Dr. Muller isn't strict about deadlines.

12/11/2005 3:08 PM  
Blogger Matthew said...

Basically, I've just loosened up a bit. Before every sentence that I would put down, had to be perfect. Now, I just write a little more informally and try at the same to be clear, or I just save the grammatical clarity for the proof-reading. The other thing is just knowing what the heck you're going to talk about before you talk about it. =)

12/13/2005 7:40 PM  

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